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Complete EnglishSmart Grade 7

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Complete EnglishSmart (New Edition) is a curriculum-based workbook series that provides ample practice for developing and improving English skills. Accompanying online audio clips (Go to Download Center for the audio clips.) are included to help children develop their listening skills. Concise explanations with examples are provided before practice to guide children along. The systematically-designed activities cover the key areas of learning – listening comprehension, grammar, reading, and writing. Your child will find working through Complete EnglishSmart a fun and rewarding experience.

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Complete EnglishSmart (New Edition) is a curriculum-based workbook series that provides ample practice for developing and improving English skills. Accompanying online audio clips (Go to Download Center for the audio clips.) are included to help children develop their listening skills. Concise explanations with examples are provided before practice to guide children along. The systematically-designed activities cover the key areas of learning – listening comprehension, grammar, reading, and writing. Your child will find working through Complete EnglishSmart a fun and rewarding experience.

Click here for the audio clips.

Perfect Bound
8¼” X 11¼”
232 Pages

ISBN : 9781771492744
$13.95 $5.58
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